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The Cozy Reading Nook: Why You Should Read More

Sunday, February 24, 2019

Why You Should Read More

Why you should read more

Why You Should Read More

Who has time to read?

I get it.  You woke up at the crack of dawn, barely swallowed your coffee before jumping in your clothes, waking up your kids, and stuffing breakfast in everyone’s face.

Then, after you drop your kids where they need to be, you have been running around doing eight million errands before the clock even hits eight.

Or, you’re like me, and you have two babies at home.  So, you are running around, too – except you’re trapped in your house! 

You’ve cleaned up milk three times already (and are close to crying about it), each kid has already had a stinky diaper, and you just stepped on a toy that left a painful red mark on the bottom of your foot.

And there’s still the whole day to get through.

Lunch. Dinner. Laundry.  Surely something needs to be cleaned.

When you get a moment to rest all you want to do is mindlessly scroll through Instagram.

Or fall asleep to Netflix.

So why read?

Why stop, slow down and make your brain do any type of extra work?

I will tell you,

It is good for you.

It is good for your soul.  Your mind.  Your anxious, stress-laden emotions.

Why you should read more

Five Reason You need to read more:

 1.    Reading improves your health

Curling up with a book before bed will help you sleep better. But even better than that, studies have shown that reading can increase your life span and prevent dementia.

2.    Reading is good for your brain

When you are decoding words on a page your brain begins to make more connections, which ends up changing your brain.  This increases your brain function and can lengthen your attention span.  Making so many new connections can actually create new white matter.  Reading literally makes your brain work better.

3.    Reading increases your emotional intelligence

As you get to know a character you will begin to have emotional responses to them and their situation.  Reading allows you to put yourself in their shoes.  And, the vast variety of books available, you can gain empathy for a perspective that is totally different from your own.
(**Bonus reason to read: Your brain will also literally put you in someone else’s shoes.  As you read about a character, say, running away from something frightening, that part of your brain will light up as if you are actually doing the action as well.  Crazy!)

4.    Reading reduces stress

Your heart rate and blood pressure lower as you read.  Not to mention that sitting down and being still just feels good. 

5.    Reading improves your memory

So much is going on in your brain while you read – it’s like you’re doing a little work out for your memory muscles.  There’s more time for this to happen while reading than when watching TV (or other media) because you can pause to think, you have to visualize and imagine, and you have to process the information you are receiving.

Why you should read more

How to read more:

That’s all well and good, you might be saying, but I still don’t have time.  I’m still the mom with two little kids running (or crawling) around, I still have to get to baseball practice and PTA, and I still have to somehow feed all of my people.

Here’s some ideas that help me find time to read more:

1.    Read what you like

Choosing what you like to read always leads to reading more.  If you like it, you’re pulled to it.  If you don’t like it – put it down!
Not sure what you like?  That’s where I come in – my goal is to give you information on books so you can make a decision about what to read.

2.    Have a book (article, etc) available at all times

Keep a book in your car, slide your kindle into your purse, download the kindle app for your phone.  If you still get the newspaper, place it on the breakfast table, subscribe to the Wall street Journal (check and fix)

3.    Schedule it into your day

You will read more if you have a plan in place.  Are you a morning person?  Read for 30 minutes before the house wakes up.  Turn off the TV a little earlier than normal, and get into bed with a book.  I like to read during nap time – it makes a great relaxing break while the kids sleep!

4.    Notice when you are already sitting still

Are there times when you are already sitting down?  I started reading more when I was nursing my first baby.  Maybe you’re waiting during gymnastics, maybe your sitting in the carpool line to pick up your kids – if you’re already going to be there, pick up a book!

5.    Read while you work

Of course, you can also read while you are doing other things!  Listening to audio books totally counts as reading, too.  Turn one on while you’re chopping veggies, folding laundry, scrubbing the bathroom.  Listen to one as you drive to school or on road trips.  The only downside is you have to be a little careful if your kids are around.  Be aware of what kind of book you’re reading and how much your kids will understand! 

Haven’t picked up a book in a while?  Here is a great place to start.  Check out my lists of books I read last year to get some ideas.

What are you reading now or planning to read next?  And when are you going to read? 

Comment below or email me and tell me how you plan to read more! 

Happy Reading!


If you want to get more reading tips like this, join my email community at the bottom of the page! 

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